Friday, 3 June 2011

23 Things for Archivists

I discovered this blog thanks to a listserv email from Peter K and its great.  Put together by the SAA's Reference, Access and Outreach section (who incidentally have their own blog)

23 Things for Archivists is "an online program designed to help archivists learn about some of the most commonly used social media (or Web 2.0) tools."

There are 23 things aimed at beginners which include blogging, facebook apps, online timelines and creative commons. But there are also Things 24-46 for intermediate type things and a section for the future Things 47+.

This is a really great way for Archivists to take control of their own knowledge about these tools, keep up to date with advances in technology (I'm off to check out some of the online timeline tools) in a clear and organised way.  Each thing has a post which gives an overview, examples, resources and tasks to try yourself.


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