I decided to include wikis as part of the presentation because they are very flexible and can be used internally or externally and also because of the great work the TNA has done with Your Archives.
Wikis allow archives to capture information about their collections without having to monitor, check and verify each entry as they rely on a principle of self-regulation and other users highlighting incorrect information to the site owner. (More on how wikis work.)
I like Your Archives a lot. I think it shows what you can achieve with a bit of imagination and an active user community. In the first 6 months of its live launch 1.6 million page views were recorded and 187,419 visits. However, community participation is the key here a wiki is only as good as its community and most pages take time to build up participation and contributions from users.
Other examples that I found when researching this were:
I particularly like the Cornish Archives Wiki which is more of a grass roots initiative and aims to create creating a "one-stop website covering all of Cornwall's archives, providing useful, accurate and up-to-date information."